
Some of my favourite websites are listed on this page. These links take you to external pages.

You can see the local weather in my garden by visiting my weather website Pondtail weather. Sometimes the laptop it sits on can be a bit temperamental.  I’m working on this.


GCSE and A Level Resources

Bury Maths Tutor is run by Mark Ritchings. Mark has written an excellent series of books, with some good problems, especially for students looking for a little extra challenge. The rest of the site is worth exploring too.

Dr Frost Maths is one of my favourite maths GCSE sites with a huge collection of resources, including compilations of exam questions. 

Corbett Maths, along with the link below, is a favourite ‘go to’ for many of my students looking for GCSE exam practise.

Maths Genie is another site my students like for exam practise.


Exploring Maths

The Great Cat Treat Theft is a maths based Escape Room style adventure written by Katherine Horton and Jim Laney. Suitable for KS3+

Artful Maths links the beauty of maths and art in an extraordinary way. 

Parallel by Simon Singh is a great site for lots of interesting maths. It is primarily aimed at KS3 students but I enjoy it! The site is best used regularly to make the most of it.

7PuzzleBlog is a good website for daily puzzles. Paul, who runs the site also makes some great board games.

Numberphile videos are simply brilliant. There are videos on a huge variety of topics all done with a sense of humour.

ViHart has created a large number of entertaining and offbeat maths/art/music youtube videos.

Polyhedra is the place to visit if you like origami and maths. Polyhedra galore